Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Doi Suthep-in' It UP!

On Friday we took a break form our normal routine to hike up Doi Suthep and see the famous Wat at the top. It was a lot of fun to hike with all the other students and the Wat itself is BEAUTIFUL. Words won't do it justice so here are some pics instead.

HUGE spider we saw on the hike up

About halfway up we stopped for lunch at Wat Pahla.
Yes I got to eat lunch at a ancient Buddhist temple in the middle
of the jungles of Thailand. Be jealous.

Wat Pahla

Suay! So beautiful!

So much green!

Almost to the top! Only 300 steps to go!

Muang Chiang Mai!

A monk performing a blessing. 
Wat Prah That Doi Suthep in all it's glory!
I'm now realizing that these pictures don't really do it justice either. You'll just have to swing by Chiang Mai and see for yourself!


  1. The pix probably don't do it justice but it looks so completely beautiful i don't think i'd be able to take it in the flesh. Slash fuk that hikin' shit, doe. :D

  2. Wow!! I love hearing about your adventures. So great! Your family sounds wonderful... The first few weeks are the hardest for language because you aren't used to remembering the basic types of Thai sounds - just like you said in ur earlier post. Soon, that will become easier, I promise! (I'm a visual learner so I eventually learned I -will never- remember it from having it told to me out loud. never. I have to write down (or visualize) a phonetic version of the word before I can remember it.) Anyway, I am so filled with excitement for you!!!

    - Gigi

    p.s. saw a picture of u on ISDSI's website. u were eating live river shrimp and i cracked up for like 5 minutes. so much love.
