Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Wait... what? Emma's going to Thailand?


I leave tomorrow! It's kind of cray cray. A lot. 

But YES! It's happening! Bags are packed, all my summer reading has been returned to the Library, goodbyes have been said and tears have been shed. The lovely Dorraine Duncan (my former roommate and awesome friend) is staying the night here so she doesn't have to leave from Kalamazoo and get up at an even more ungodly hour and in OHMYGOD UNDER 12 HOURS we will depart!!! 

Anywho, it's been a lovely summer here in the Ace Deuce with the illustrious Dolce/Yamada contingent but I am sooooo excited to be going on this new adventure.
(I am somewhat less excited about the 24+ hours of planes, airports, and other obnoxious tomfoolery, but let's be optimistic, yes?)

Big Red, Little Red, and Mama Suitcase are all ready to go!

Things I learned while packing:
  1. At some point you kind of just have to stop shoving differing things into piles and start... packing. Who knew?
  2. Packing light is honestly wayy more nerve-wracking than packing too much.
  3. Roll your clothes. It will change your life.
  4. My mother is a packing GOD. 
  5. Which would make me Packing Jesus.

Ooh! Packing God Mom made peach pie! 

See you later America! Catch you on the flippety flip!

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