Friday, August 3, 2012

So... This is new.


This is my attempt at a study abroad blog. For those of you who don't know already, I will be studying abroad in Chiang Mai, Thailand at the International Sustainable Development Studies Institute (ISDSI) for the next 6 months or so. Hopefully I won't completely fail at keeping this thing somewhat updated-ish.

Just to test things out, here is a picture of me and Peter on our birthday. I was very excited, Peter, somewhat less so. Standard.

Ooh! It worked!

Anyway, THAILAND: 

I'm super-duper excited about the whole study abroad thing, so much so that I've been losing a fair amount of sleep over it (oops). I've also been doing a fair amount of bouncing around, something  that will undoubtedly continue once I get to Thailand (hence the name of this blog).

In other news, I just finished my internship working for the Gretchen Driskell Campaign for State Rep (if you live in the 52nd District in Michigan, please vote for her because I can't), and the Sierra Club. It was generally fun and and interesting work, if time consuming and exhausting. Anywho, I'm done now which means I can devote myself to getting ready to go and worrying full time. 

In terms of trip prep, I had a minor gear crisis this morning which will hopefully be solved tomorrow, and I also remembered earlier today that I have two pre-departure assignments to complete. Fun.

Ok. I should probably sleep. 


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